What Is ITV Winsday?

British paper currency on clotheslineHave you seen the ads for Winsday on ITV and wondered what it’s all about? You’re not alone.

It would appear that the ITV Win team have gone for the curiosity angle with the short burst style of their ad break promotions, but it seems they’ve somewhat missed the mark.

A lot of the ads seem to be half hearted rebadged versions of the ones that have previously been used for the big cash competitions that run every three or four months.

They’ve had some pretty powerful campaigns running during those periods, like the one on a roller-coaster, and ITV Win presenters Andi and Alison in their mock up flat talking winning big.

Maybe we’re wrong, but the shorter variations like the office worker knocking a cup of coffee over and a bin bag splitting seem, well… instantly forgettable. Advertising is undeniably a tricky beast to get exactly right, but we’ve all seen those killer campaigns over the years that we still remember today – like the Cadburys drumming Chimp or the Honda diesel engine floating over the animated countryside – altogether now… ‘hate something, change something, hate something change something make something betterrrrrrr….’.

Anyway, back on topic, Winsday. The idea is that every Wednesday ITV make a shed load of winners in the draw, all with relatively low value prizes compared to their main draws. We’re talking hundreds of prizes every week, so the odds of winning are a lot better than scooping tens of thousands of pounds from the ones on the Andi Peters promos.

Most prizes are bonus tokens, free entries and the like, but there are also on the spot cash prizes too, ranging from a fiver up to several hundred pounds. The exact prize range isn’t particularly clear, but that’s no big deal when it’s essentially a free entry draw.

There are two ways of entering the ITV Win Winsday comp, and you need to get your tickets into the draw by midnight on a Tuesday evening.

The first, and arguably easier and better value way is to watch the ads on the ITV Win site – just log in, go to your profile or the free tab and follow the links to Winsday. At the bottom of the Winsday page (it slides in from the right on a computer), you’ll see the option to watch what they call promotional videos. It’s a bit repetitive, but the concept is that as the ads play, you’ll see a ticket appear every minute or two. Just click it, then repeat. You can collect up to six tickets a week, getting you six entries into the draw.

The other way to get tickets is by entering competitions with paid online entries (text entries and phone entries don’t qualify). We much prefer free entry by post which won’t get you Winsday tickets, but if you like the quick, instant gratification online, check to make sure the page you’re entering has a ‘I’m in the Winsday Draw’ logo on the entry graphic. If it does and you pay to enter, you’ll get a ticket. Again, you can get up to six, giving a maximum of twelve overall by combining both methods.

Once you’re in the draw, check back on the following Wednesday, where you’ll see a message inviting you to check your tickets and see if you’re a winner. At that point, entries are open for the following week’s draw so you can start all over again!