Loose Women Competition

At A Glance
Prize £120,000 cash
Closing Date 20/02/25, 4PM
Question No
Online Entry Paid
Postal Entry Free

Loose Women is the lunchtime ITV show which follows This Morning for most of the year and airs from 12.30pm until 1.30pm, except through the school summer holidays when Gino and Mel take over with Let’s Do Lunch.

They have a small number of regular panellists that rotate to present the show, four at a time.

How It Works

It’s a consistent place to enter to win prizes – virtually every week there’s new Loose Women competitions giving away an impressive cash sum or high value prize. There’s always a free entry option too, which used to be on the ITV website, but has changed more recently – you can find the details below.

About The Loose Women Prize Draw

During the show, the current competition is normally shown twice, approximately 20 minutes from the beginning and end of the programme. The prizes usually change either weekly or once per fortnight, and are commonly made up of a combination of cash, vouchers, or cars.

This Week’s Competition

The current prize is £120,000 cash, and can be entered for free up until the 20th February 2025 at 4:00pm!

A few years ago, you could enter for free at itv.com, but they’re currently using a postal entry for the lunchtime prize draw instead. You can learn more about the competitions on Loose Women in the following video:

How To Enter This Week’s Competition

To be in with a chance of winning, you’ll need to enter via a premium rate phone number or text SMS shortcode, or by using the alternative free option. This week, the Loose Women’s free competition entry is by post.

Entering the competition by post is easy, just write your name and contact telephone number on a postcard (or put it in an envelope), and send it to:

WIN 07,
PO Box 7558,
DE1 0NQ.

Last Week’s Loose Women Comp

Last week’s prize was £100,000 cash, and can be entered for free if your postal entry is received by the 13th February 2025 at 4:00pm!

You can learn more about this competition in the following video:

How To Enter Last Week’s Competition

To be in with a chance of winning, you’ll need to enter via a premium rate phone number or text SMS shortcode, or by using the alternative free option. Last week, the Loose Women’s free competition entry was by post. Just send your name and contact telephone number to:

CASH 06,
PO Box 7558,
DE1 0NQ.

You can find the terms and conditions on the Loose Women website at itv.com here.

Visit us here at Enter Competitions Online regularly for the latest lunchtime prize draws!